story of our value of craft and Craftsmanship without compromise

Roburscape draws on our pragmatic approach coupled with our understanding of materials and processes to produce products of consistent high quality with rigorous attention to detail. Our public furniture is hand-made, selecting only the best materials for each product. Using high-quality products combined with natural style and appealing design with robust materials is our motive in producing only the best furniture for heavy urban use. 

We provide seating solutions for outdoor and indoor spaces working together with architects, landscapers and place designers. Our desire is to offer the best in quality street furniture that endures and makes places all the more pleasant to be in. 

creativity and design

Roburscape’s sensitivity to the environment manifests in large-scale furniture, which are based in and reflect the complex geometry of nature. We observe and respond to the materials, taking cues from the wood’s density, grain and intricate growth patterns to create pieces that draw the attention of the eye and the hand to touch. Designs that are not only useful, durable and beautiful in themselves but more. It must also have the power to make meaningful connections and enhance the way we interact with one another. Take a seat.